Be careful who you hitch a ride with… It could turn out to be the Smoking Jawa!

Click here to view the beginning of the story of Biggs Darklighter and Oola Oop.

Meanwhile, as I type this, our beloved pet cat (our little boy), Biggs is rubbing up against my legs. He smells of urine, but I don’t care. Just seeing him with some life in him is something I was not sure I’d ever see again after last week. We started a Gofundme campaign for the incredible costs of his treatment and hospital stay. So many people have already lent their support, and we thank you all. Without you my sanity would be out the door. You can check out the campaign here and follow along with Biggs’ progress back to a full — we hope!– recovery.

If anyone is able to contribute, it will be of great help to us in weathering this unexpected family crisis. If you can donate more than $20 we will send you a signed BMS postcard. Make sure to include your mailing address.

Please consider supporting BMS, whether it’s through buying one of these auctions, or donating via Patreon or GoFundMe. If you want to donate to us directly through Paypal, then here is the link.

If you subscribe to us through Patreon, you get to see the next set of strips early and get exclusive content. All money helps keep BMS going from the cost of the website to helping with my expensive monthly medical bills and health insurance. We can not publish BMS for sale as it is only a fan project, so we rely on fan support for the project’s continuation.