We, at Blue Milk Special, deeply apologize for spoiling the height of Captain Phasma in the Force Awakens film. 😉 Interestingly, Captain Phasma is played by Gwendoline Christie, who is 6’3″ tall, and probably even taller in her stormtrooper boots. I’ve always found tall women intimidating. Mostly because I don’t experience it often as I’m already 6’2″. Christie also stars in Game of Thrones, which Leanne watches regularly. I think it is a great casting choice to have female commanders, and hopefully female troopers in the Empire. So long as they have pretty much unisex armor and no revealed midriffs. When that happens, we will know Star Wars has completely sold out.

We may have taken some artistic license with Phasma’s height for her BMS counterpart. Just a little… Oh and more spoilers. Captain Phasma rides a unicycle in the final climactic battle of the film. We have our sources!

Do you know anyone who might be interested in the following items? Please share and help us find homes for these. The funds raised are urgent in helping with my medical care and keeping BMS alive and well. I appreciate everyone’s patience! But especially your support! 😉

You can check them out here.

Amazing Starscream collection…


Batman Animated Series Harley Quinn and Jokers…


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