Desert vs Snow
Hello BMSers. Unfortunately, I’m not sure if there will be a new BMS this Friday as the strip I had in mind is a bit crude for our typical standards. It means I have to replace it with a new strip and I don’t know if I’ll have time. It’s a pity I can’t share Friday’s strip, but I think in the long run it’s for the better! We now have our very own lost scenes that we will never show anyone, just like Lucas!
In the meantime there’s plenty below to keep you busy. Also, thanks for voting for us! We moved up from 60 to 30 in the space of a couple of days. It seems the Anal Probe Droid is a hit. 🙂 Scroll all the way down to the bottom to leave a comment. We also have an exciting competition announcement below AND a new guide from T. Gatto himself on how to make the Blue Milk Cartons!!!
Star Wars Begins Fan Documentary
Superfan Jambe Davdar has spent an awe-inspiring amount of time piecing together three absolutely must-watch Star Wars fan documentaries — essentially, the original trilogy re-cut with alternate takes, deleted scenes, concept art, original audio, production footnotes, and commentary from the cast and crew. Click here for a list of all the episodes.
The documentary includes pieced together reconstructions of the deleted scenes now only known to exist in the Lost Cut (the original first edit that Lucas has locked away in a vault somewhere). For more on those scenes you can always visit the Star Wars Cut Scenes website.
And now for a special announcement!
Hi fellow BMSers;
It’s me again (T. Gatto). This will (probably) be the final installment of my Milk Carton Madness series (at least for now). Once again, after an incessant amount of badgering, Rod has agreed to let me write an article on my cartons, for his blog section of Blue Milk Special (Thanks Rod). (Rod: all true!) This write up will contain 2 parts; first a simple bit on how to assemble a BMS Milk Carton; second a little fan carton design contest for any interested party. I call this blog:
To read Part 1 (Skorr the Great assembly instructions) click here.
PART 2 – The GREAT BMS Design it Yourself Carton Contest.
OK, I’ll make this quick, since the first part is so long. Attached is one Blank carton template.
I have now given you all the tools (except for Computer, a printer, and those listed above) that you need to make your own cartons (BMS or other). I would love (and so I presume would Rod and Leanne) to see anything you make (Rod: He presumes correctly). Please if you design your own carton send a photo and PDF file (or JPEG or Bitmap, or whatever) to BMS. Just go to the Contact us section and bother Rod.
Since I do not have any Idea what kind of response this request will yield, or how long you all need I’m going to set a tentative time frame of 1 month from the posting of this blog for a little Carton Design and Assembly contest (may be extended a bit as needed).
The following simple rules apply.
– Rod, and Leanne will act as the judges and (if asked) I may be called to settle any tie. We will, of course, not be eligible to submit our own entries. Other regular BMS contributors will be welcome to try.– We may pick a winner, winners or lots of honorable mentions depending on how many entries are submitted (if any).
– All reasonable entries will be acknowledged, and we will post as many as possible (directly to the site or linked somewhere).
– You can submit any carton you like, using my template, a modified template, or your own design, but the theme must be at least somewhat related to Star Wars (used in parody) or Blue Milk Special. We would still like to see other cartons but they will not be counted as entries. If you design a non-carton BMS model, it can still be posted and considered for honorable mention.
– If you are rank amateur or professional artist (or whatever) please let us know, so that we can take your background into account.
– You must submit a sheet model (up to 3 pages), along with a photo of the completed model, for consideration. The original model can be hand drawn and scanned or drawn using the computer (I’ve already worn Rod’s patience thin by submitting too many cartons without building them first).
– Please no copyright infringement. Draw your own pictures; parody is OK but no cutting and pasting from other artists. Also no perverted images will be considered (but I might make them to take to work and show my friends, just kidding).
– All submissions will be considered the property of BMS for purposes of posting, and should you want them removed from distribution later, the answer will be “No.
– If you have any questions or concerns contact BMS, and if they cannot answer your question I’ll try to.
– The Grand Prize will be 1,000,000 BMS points (a moral value only), World Peace (certain exceptions apply), and a cool carton (which you made and BMS will display). (Rod: the winner will also be flown all expenses paid to the Maryland headquarters of Blue Milk Special for a tour and demonstration of a new strip’s production…. All expenses paid by themselves that is!). You will also have bragging rights for at least 1 day of comments on the page. Other prizes may be considered, for other entries, but I wouldn’t count on much from the Hannah’s non-profit page, and a cheep ass like me.
Good luck, May the Force be with You, and may the best carton win.
Until next time (if any) kids remember “You can’t make Chicken Salad from Chicken shit”.
I love the background in this strip, even if the second and third panel dont make much sence 😉
On a unrelated note I finally broke down and bought some comics. I am already such a nerd I try and restrain myself from somethings that I know will not help my case, but recently I haven’t been doing a good job at it. So I bought Scott Pilgrim 1+3 and Kick Ass 2 #1 ( a friend of mine let me read the first books) , dose anybody have some sudgestions on comics I should read ?
The strip was good too 😉
Um… well… there’s this pretty cool comic called Once Upon a Super Hero by an author named Rod Hannah and with a cover by some girl named Leanne Hannah. I hear it’s not a bad book. 🙂 I also hear you can buy a print copy from comixPress or a PDF or CBR from here. 😀
Read “Groo the Wanderer”, by Sergio Aragones.
I also like “The Walking Dead”, “Mouse Guard” and “Mice Templar”.
Currently, for storyline content, I think Dark Horse Comics has Marvel Comics and D.C. Comics beat.
I dont know, “Rod hannah”, sounds like a sketchy name, ill have to investigate this first 😉 .
Has anybody read the Doctor Who books, I’m always looking for more Who .
Well now I feel bad about the joke 🙁
:*-( waaaaahhhhhhh!
Wooo, Carton time!
And if I lived in a desert all my life, I’d be freezing my buns off on a planet like Hoth.
Perfect example: Relatives in California complain when it dips bellow 60. Which is shorts weather, imo. :<
But love the comic as always! Keep'em up! 😀
Good one! We’re really getting into ESB now.
Smoking Jawa, favorite part of today’s strip.
Who(other than your genius mind) would have ever thought up a smoking jawa?
“It seems the Anal Probe Droid is a hit” and you worry about the Friday Comic being a bit crude? LOL… I now have to think of something happy to get the droid visuals out of my mind!!! (Time to go build a milk carton maybe that will help!)
Always a good idea to build a milk carton, if you ask me (which you didn’t). 🙂
Where did Luke get the branches and the carrot? 😉
BTW- that’s got to be one cold Jawa! 🙂
That jawa is warm. I sweat my ass off wearing my jawa gear. Besides he has battery operated undies on!
Ha, I love it… all my cousins do that when they visit Tahoe, being from San Diego and all. Snow is apparently mysterious, and fun… xD So when are you going to publish all these in a monster-sized coffee-table book?? Cuz I totally want to buy it!
Never. We respect George Lucas as a creator and his company LucasFilm as the owners of the Star Wars property. Don’t worry, I’m not going to get all serious, but here’s a general statement for all those readers interested in a BMS compilation book.
Unlike all these hit and run T-shirt companies that use Star Wars likenesses, images and references, we are not going to try dancing along the thin line between parody and copyright infringement. As a creator myself, I don’t want others profiteering off my creations without my permission so I have to be really grown up about this. On the other hand there is nothing to stop fans from printing out our work (unfortunately the best quality you’ll get is the low res online versions you see here). You can then compile the strips into whatever format you like. We ask that you don’t then go and sell your own BMS compilations because that would be really dickish.
Since we refuse to try and profit from BMS financially, the only thing we can hope to win from our readers is your friendship as well as your support for our creator-owned endeavors.
We would love to be able to collect all the strips together in print, but on this matter we are staying on the Light Side of the Force. Its the only way we can avoid incurring the wrath of LucasFilm and getting shut down before we even get to the end of Empire Strikes Back. Friendship is worth more than money anyway. Right? Right?! Echo! *tumbleweeds*
Good idea Re: on the homemade print out books. I may do that someday. Is there a link to the previous incentive strips. I couldn’t make a complete BMS antholody book without them.
I’ll have to make a link to them somewhere. When I get a chance, I will try to do so this week. The versions on Facebook are even lower quality than on this site due to the way Facebook uploads images.
As much as that bums me out, my respect for you two only grows 🙂 I just may have to print them out as well. BMS wallpaper… hmmm…. I like it 😀
Smoking jawa returns! Completely unexpected, that, very nice.
They cold stuttering is what sells that panel, imo.
What could possibly be too crude? Now you’ve made me curious. Did Luke use his lightsaber to give his snowman a sizable you-know-what? No, why would he do such a thing? Oh, well. I’m done guessing. I suggest that you cut up the too crude comic into small (but not too small) pieces, and then you put those pieces up one at a time as vote incentives! Come on, it’ll be fun and puzzling! 😉
Say what you want about the prequel’s and the prequel-era EU, at least the CIS and their allies wasn’t too cheap to waste blaster-batteries on shooting every released escape-pod ^^;
The frozen Jawa in Hoth White is superfantastic. Of course now we’ll need an Endor Jawa in camo!!
The “Too Hot for the Interwebs” strip is just tantalizing! Maybe when you go back and make the BMS Spec Eds…
Nah, that would only diminish the gag. Some of our weaker strips suffer because I had to water them down at some point, but did so much work that I wasn’t prepared to totally scrap them. In this case, I think I can let go.
Terrific stuff – love the white robe on the j-j-j-jawa.
I think you have just decided your next poll: What could be so crude that Rod would pull it? 😉
Did the smoking Jawa promise aunt Beru that he would look after Luke?
Whoo-hoo! Good one!
BTW, if you’re looking for any type of Star Wars music, from the movies, several of the major games, and fan music, is a really good site. I would reccomend all four of “Order 66” ‘s songs.
Are the shirts, mugs etc… still for sale?
I stumbled on the link, looking at old strips for carton ideas, and it still opens.
I think I can afford to get a hoddie after my tax returns come in.
Also is there still a [Contact Us] tab or link somewhere, or is the forum the best way?
Contact info was truncated into the About Us page. I am running out of space in the menu bar for new stuff so that was one solution.
I removed the main link to the store and forgot it was still mentioned in an older blog. We only sell stuff which is unique to us and not LucasFilm, but since we never had a single sale in about 6 months I got disheartened.
What is it about folks from the south who are so fascinated by the idea of snow? Come on up here to Minnesota. Live with it for nine months out of the year THEN see how you like it.
My brother’s ex and her kids were all from the south. They couldn’t believe the Mississippi freezes every year.
Dude! I missed the contest!
If I had just gotten caught up sooner! Arg!
Ah well, I’ll keep reading and see who the winners are, but if there was an extension, do let me know 🙂
It’s still on! We are still looking for more contestants. Go for it! 🙂
When it’s as cold as it probably is on Hoth, you actually can’t make snowmen… Sorry, Luke. 🙁
Heard of a lightsaber? 😉
Luke is an Imperial O-8?