Han Solo’s commando team delve deeper into the Endor bunker, trying to take a short cut to the shuttle at the nearest landing pad. But the walls are lined with strange inhuman secretions and the temperature begins to rise. Finally, they find the source of the evil that has overrun the Imperials. Remember, kids, never feed an ewok after midnight!


Above, one of our readers poses as DJ Leia, complete with BMS-Leia style cigarette. Sorry kids, we do not endorse smoking. But we do endorse Carrie Fisher’s coolness.

AC_2015_logo_DC-350x272We had another great show at Awesome Con DC this past weekend. Thanks to everyone who came out to see us, and thanks to the The Rebel Legion’s Terrapin Base, the 501st Legion’s Tyrannus and Old Line Garrisons, the R2 Builders, Mandalorian Mercs and especially Awesome Con for looking out for us and helping to make it such a great experience.

13335554_1203046299720162_6523183665107329282_nThe awesome thing about the show was seeing our long time fans, like Noah and his brother who have essentially grown up reading BMS over the years and are now in college. Always fun chatting about comics, cartoons and movies with these two. And while we introduced many people to Blue Milk Special over the course of the weekend, we know at least one is now a fan. One new reader returned on Sunday to let us know they had started reading the other night and were now hooked. Seeing people going from clueless about Blue Milk Special to being fans is a rewarding feeling as a creator.


As you can see, Leanne had a few commissions. Not all of them Star Wars related, but here are some of those that were. Rey from Force Awakens, and Shep the Royal Guard obsessed with doors. If you want to commission Leanne for a sketch of a character of your choice, then you can email her via her website and have your own original piece of art.


Art is more than just a 2-dimensional form and this would not be a complete convention report without highlighting the work of our good friend’s awesome costuming skills. On Saturday, Karen debuted her Oola cosplay which took several hours to apply using airbrush. You can check out more photos of the costume and her other cosplays at Karen Cosplays on Facebook. Head over there and follow / like her work. You can see photos of the transformation from Star Wars fan to Star Wars character over at her page.


And a special thanks to Brian Mah who gave me a beautiful piece of Korean art illustrated with brush and ink. You can join me in owning a piece of this beautiful stylized art.

brian mah korean art

In summary, Awesome Con was hard work, but also invigorating at the same time. We hope we have made many new friends, perhaps for life. Thanks for everyone’s support and enthusiasm. May the Forciness be with you!