Phil C. has set up a great website with his Star Wars dioramas that is definitely worth checking out. Living Room Wars parodies some of the greatest scenes in the Star Wars films but places the scene in the context of a living room (it’s in the title!) with slightly more domestic enemies. The Vader in Living Room Wars promises to be as entertaining as ours (I realize that probably sounds conceited on my part, but with only one major scene, Vader is already stealing Phil’s show). Just check out his minions! There are five chapters so far. Head on over and leave Phil a comment if you enjoy it as much as I have!

There’s a new voting incentive strip starring the Emperor with a special (entirely random) guest star. Can you guess who it is?

Nominations are currently open for Washington Post’s Best Webcomics of 2011: Please consider nominating Blue Milk Special if you think us worthy. Does our Star Wars parody deserve a shot? We’re talking Washington Post! If we get a mention then this’ll be our first official recognition in nearly three years of making webcomics, but we can only do it with your help. You can go to Comic Riffs blog and comment or you can email him directly. See below…

Today, we begin with webcomics. In 2011, such perennials as “xkcd” and the commentary-enhanced “Pibgorn” proved as popular as ever; the history-laced “Hark! A Vagrant” and the graphical charts of “The Oatmeal” gained new fans as well as new books; “Girl Genius” (couresy of MATTHEW INMAN – The Oatmeal) repeated at the Hugo Awards; and the guys at “Penny Arcade” and “PvP” teamed for the new comic “The Trenches.”

So now we turn the stage over to you to ask: What are your nominations for your Favorite Webcomics of 2011? Feel free to e-mail them to or share them in the Comments field below.

Based on your nominations, Comic Riffs will cull the finalists and conduct reader polls next month in the various comics categories.