Wedge Antilles meets the newest member of Red Squadron, Si-Mon Calamari. He’s a character who appears only briefly in the final cut of Return of the Jedi, and the movie is just that much less of a classic because of it. The deleted scenes with Si-Mon in the cockpit of his… X-Wing?… are great. Although they probably would not have been the final voice track, Si-Mon’s casual and confused performance are what makes it so special. I think Calamari are adorable, so I am probably biased.

Why do I call him Si-Mon? The puppeteer operating the calamari pilot is being given directions from the director during the deleted scene and uses his name at least twice. Considering this Calamari Rebel pilot is one of the few unnamed characters in Star Wars, I’m staking a claim. Si-Mon just seems perfect on several levels. Simple Simon. Simon the puppeteer. Si-“Mon Calamari”. Etc. Come on LucasFilm, do it!




You can see all the deleted scenes on the Star Wars Blu-Rays, or you can hunt around on Youtube for a while. If you’re going to buy the Blu-Rays, do it by clicking on my link to them, since I’ll get $0.50 cents or something from Amazon. Cheers!

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