Noisy droid
Today’s strip is based on a scene from the movie that could be interpreted one or two ways. Artoo is whistling, like he usually does, and alerts Boba Fett… OR, Artoo is whistling to warn Luke. However, based on Artoo’s next action, I think it’s more likely the former. I can’t make an animated gif, but if you watch the film, at about 1 hour 38 minutes in Artoo starts dry humping Luke’s left leg. I don’t know what it is about Cloud City, but Artoo seems to enjoy plugging himself in a lot while he’s there. Nasty droids…
Happy Thanksgiving, everybody! The American Turkey Day is the reason for the delay in this strip going live. We had to finish the Monday voting incentive as well as editing the latest episode of the podcast!
Blue Milk Special Podcast Episode 2!
![]() EPISODE 2 Topics: Direct Download: Episode 02 Duration: 48:00 |
That’s what Luke gets for taking the restraining bolt off of R2.
“You’ve got something jammed in there real good.”
Now I know why my older brother called my dog R2! 😉
Just after the movie came out there was a magazine article about whether Vader was really Luke’s father, and if not, who else could be. One possibility was that Boba was Luke’s father, because he missed the shots in this scene! So all the stormtroopers who also missed Luke could also have been Luke’s father – even at 10 years old at the time, the absurdity was obvious.
Sound like silly articles to me, because we know Vader wanted Skywalker alive, which is why Boba and the Stormtroopers missed. Something so obvious we already parodied it a couple of strips ago.
Funny, funny. BUT– I’m going with the fact that the R2 robots used on set had a tendency to malfunction. My bet is that is what is happening here and they decided to just use that shot.
and that r-units in general become extremely quirky if they “live” on long enough with routine memory washes. all this made me think of that line from sw gansta rap 2 (alert, mildly adult language)
r2: “beep boop”
3po: “oh shut up r2d2, and watch your language, always having sex with robotic stranger!
-_- it missed my “s” on “strangers”? i think something is up with my pc or keyboard, English has always was one of my best classes, except Englis C in Gymnasium, where virtually it’s schedule for the entire schoolyear was was learning to play romeo n jula, and hamlet, orally perfect, in original shakespear-english. Let me tell you it was NOT fun when Ophelia’s singing came during my turn T_T
Oh sure, blame it on the keyboard! j/k I make typos and punctuation mistakes all the time and English is my first language (and only language… though I’m working on German).
I bet you made a great Ophelia. 🙂
Enjoying the podcast. Entertaining stuff! A Jedi free Star Wars trilogy would be good.
Sorry not R2D2 humping related..
They couldn’t have David Prowse be unmasked Vader because he can’t act. Watch those clips of him befire Jimmy Earl Jones worked his magik.
It’s CREEPY man!!
Also, yeah, the LAST time Vader was Anikin was when e killed the Emperor. Anikin came back and villed Vader the same way Vader murdered Anikin. ‘[T]
Loving the podcasts! It’s nice to have something like this to listen to on the DC metro. I’ve tried listen to podcasts before that cater to my interests and it just didn’t do the trick, but the BMS ones are thoroughly enjoyable.
I see R2’s using his third leg! 😉
Hmmmmm….I hadn’t thought of Artoo’s behavior quite in that light before 😉