I’ve talked about it on podcasts, I’ve talked about in our blogs and in our FAQ, but for the love of Lucas, we do not intentionally take anything from anyone else! We didn’t just show up last year, we’ve been doing this parody for four years now. Similarities happen because we are all working from the same source material. It’s called Star Wars. I probably shouldn’t be wasting my time with BMS, pouring the hours into it that apparently is not evident by the full color art, but I do it because Star Wars meant something to me in my childhood.
So, to spend five minutes on this page and make a snap judgment about us and voice those ill-formed thoughts without even investigating by, oh I don’t know, actually looking around a little longer at what we’re doing, is rude and makes you look like an idiot. This is why comments are moderated on this site. At least the spam bots aren’t accusing us of stealing.
Specifically, the backgrounds in this strip are either retouched and vectorized still images that I’ve taken from the movies themselves, or original pieces contributed by Thomas Gatto made from scratch with graphics software. To be told we’re taking Family Guy backgrounds is bizarre! I don’t even understand where that comes from?
I am fed up with being compared to Robot Chicken and Family Guy. BMS preceded Family Guy’s “Something, Something, Something, Dark Side” by 11 months and Robot Chicken had only just brought out their Empire Strikes Back parody when we debuted. But I scripted 300+ strips before the first BMS strip was ever published in February 2009, all the way through to the end of Return of the Jedi. If I could have made all of those strips in a few months and published 1 per day, I still wouldn’t have finished our parody by the end of 2009 because I’ve expanded on those strips as we’ve progressed. I’ve fleshed out certain scenes as new ideas came to us. We are currently at 450+ strips and only just finishing Empire Strikes Back.
If you THINK we’re ripping people off, then just go somewhere else, but be content that you didn’t pay a single penny to read anything here on this site, and that it wasn’t done by a production studio. We’re just two people, a husband and wife and BMS is something we squeeze into our week because it’s usually a rewarding experience sharing our take on Star Wars with the world.
So I moderate comments, but I still see them all. Little know-it-alls who don’t understand comedy whose first reaction is “why is there a Sandcrawler on the ice?”, to people who have nothing better to do than to nitpick logic holes in a parody that is supposed to make as much sense as anything Monty Python or ZAZ have produced. I know some of our gags aren’t hilarious, and that some only work for the uber geek Star Wars fan, but we have to go with what makes US laugh first and foremost. If you like it then stay on board. The person who made the comment is a first time commenter, so relax, it’s not you! In this case we were also being accused of ripping off Darths & Droids, another Star Wars parody webcomic. Incidentally, I don’t read Darths & Droids, but I hear it is good.
It seems, I either get used to these comments, or I stop Blue Milk Special and do something else.
I should add that last Friday saw over 8000 unique IP address visits and 30,000+ page loads in a single day, which I believe is a record for Blue Milk Special. Perhaps it is inevitable that we will get the haters coming in when we have such a busy day. A big thank you to all the comments in support of BMS below. You guys perk Leanne and myself up. Thank you!
Please. Do continue. Don’t bother about the critics and comments. For every critic said out loud, there’s 10,000 guys behind their computer screens and mobile just droling in joy about your comic strips. Don’t you ever ever forget that ok?
Your SW Comic Strip is original, with characters developped in ways I’ve never seen in any SW parody. Smoking over-confident bitch Leia, Super Biggs, Café Vader, wow, anyone who’s read your strips for the past few years know that this strip is so special nothing compares to it. I’m sure others here will agree with me saying that we’re so delighted that we’re treated each time with so much imagination, creativity and talent. Please keep up the EXCELLENT work. And dont’ you dare think of dropping that ball on us. 😉
I haven’t read all the comments yet, there are over a hundred, however, I can say this; Among my friends that I have converted to the BMS side of the forciness, there is talk of Cosplaying YOUR particular characters at the Memphis MidSouthCon this year. Keep up the great work. And if you still get posts accusing you of thievery, respond with the words of a Doctor – “You don’t want to take over the universe. you wouldn’t know what to do with it beyond shout at it.”
Lol at the Black Betty. I heard the song in my head as soon as I saw the blue words. 😉
And don’t mind the haters. There will always be people who don’t have anything better to do than hate on others. Their loss, I say. They don’t know what they are missing. Keep up the good work!
I agree with amny commentors here. Don’t let the Trolls get you down!!!
Yes there are probably people doing simlar parodies, Star Wars is a popular theme, and some may be technically better, or released sooner than the strip is here.
Still, you have shown great dedication to the material, and a treasure of background knowledge. I for one would think it s shame if you did quit doing this strip over some whining lowlife who has nothing better to do than put other people down.
I just wanted to say that I found this webcomic just 2 days ago and I’ve been reading from the first page to here since then! You have made my work so enjoyable over these last 2 days!
Please ignore the haters. You two (and all those who have helped) have done an amazing job and I love it!
Silly someone would accuse you of ripping off Darths & Droids. They started with Ep I and have yet to finish Ep IV. Also, their perspective is very different.
H8rs gonna h8; ignore them and focus on your own stuff! y’all keep up your awesome strip, and I’ll be sure to snag another milk carton next local con I go to! 😀
The irony that something as derivative as Family Guy could be what *you* are accused of stealing from is disgusting. I stopped watching that after 2nd season when it started even stealing from… itself. I adore your style of humor, your masterful restraint when making “raunchy” jokes. (Most comedy series that *attempt* to blend playful humor with the unexpected naughtiness usually get heavy handed after the 1st year) I of course know this is a very old post of yours, but knowing that you moderate these replies, and knowing that this has been a source of stress for you both for years, please know that your work is greatly appreciated, and we fans are spreading the word as far and wide as we can.
I personally just discovered this webcomic and I am already angry with myself for not having found it much earlier! I just want to say that I think you guys work and effort is wonderful and I really appreciate it. Continue on with the funny! 🙂