Princess’ Dilemma
If you watch the fantastic “Making of Star Wars” documentary from 1978 you’ll see some great behind the scenes footage AND some really cool (if brief) interviews with the three main stars. You can watch the documentary on YouTube. At about 7 min 15 sec in to Part 5, Carrie Fisher makes her thoughts public about Princess Leia’s quandry (at the time) over whether to get with Luke or Han. We’ve quoted Carrie almost word for word in panel 3. Note that at the time of this documentary it had not been decided (or revealed depending on how much credibility you put in George Lucas’ “I planned it all” statement) that Luke and Leia were family.
We will be launching a series of podcasts sometime in the next few weeks. We’d like to involve the fans. You can send any questions or feedback to us by email Twitter or post them in reply to the discussion on our Facebook Fan Page. So get to it! We look forward to hearing from you!.
For the next three weeks Blue Milk Special will be updating five times a week + 3 Tarkin flashback strips. That’s 8 strips a week. That means you can check back every day of the week and get more BMS! If you missed it, here’s the Monday strip.
To start reading Blue Milk Special from the beginning click here.
*Cream-filling*? Is that my dirty mind or Leia’s?
You’re killing me!
Bizzarre! It just so happens that I watched about half of it last night on YouTube. It was EXCRUCIATINGLY bad. The one hosted by 3PO and R2? – with the Frank Canon voice-over?
When I saw it in 1978 though, it would have absolutely enthralled me. “Oh my God – there they are! – on my Telly!” What a thrill. I was such a SW nut. That ‘Empire of Dreams’ epic documentary on YouTube is just amazing. I’d love to have it on DVD.
I only saw the documentary for the first time a couple months ago and I’m sorry to say that I loved it. It’s charming, it has the main stars in it, and they even made an effort to entertain the kiddies with the C3PO and R2D2 bits (although honestly I wouldn’t mind if they hadn’t bothered with that part). I loved seeing Harrison and Mark being interviewed (again all too briefly) particularly as it was contemporary to the first film’s release. But most of all seeing the beautiful Carrie Fisher with her girl next door looks and her sexy smoker’s voice. That alone makes the documentary worthwhile for me.
I have to agree about the nice interviews! I suppose the droid’s bits were charming too. I suppose the whole thing was just very badly, cornily cobbled together from incompatible bits by an untalented team.
I do remember how excited i was by it. Even a glimpse of SW on telly was pure gold.
Thanks for the provided video. I can’t believe I missed that one. It was a treat to behold.
HAHA too much for 3PO to handle
Thanks for the video – I especially loved the disco version of the SW theme (about 5:00 in). Classic!
Probably wont be stumbling back on this particular page for a while but I’m guessing you retroactively added those tarkin strips into the continuity so when you say more such and such in the future i’ll probably just stumble across it on my way. Anyway awesome series
i can shut down or you can shut up. either ones cool
Only in Blue Milk Special have I seen C3PO actually grow some brass balls…
Considering Luke and Leia’s ages were given in the 70’s, and they were not the same, I can tell you they were at least not meant to be twins! The passionate kiss in Empire should tell you the rest.