Rebel base in range!
This strip was inspired by the lack of urgency in Tarkin’s “…when ready” command and the Death Star Gunners having such a leisurely pace.
This week we’re putting up three new strips to accelerate the pacing a bit, but don’t be fooled by the Monday, Wednesday, Friday postings. We’re not going back to that insane schedule aside from this one week’s deviation. Wednesday and Friday deal with the destruction of the Death Star, so please check back regularly this week.
Part of the reason for posting three this week is that I find that Mondays really need to have the strongest gag of the week, as compared to Friday strips which only sit as the latest post for the two day weekend. If a Monday strip sits there for a whole working week and if its more of a commentary than a gag it doesn’t really pimp the funnier side of BMS to a new reader. Just an observation I’m making having been doing this for over a year now… One year. Wow! Now that’s hard to believe!
We should celebrate with cake!
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Great strip today Rod! Even the first 2 panels alone would be great.
I feel as if I should sometimes publish more than 1 page at a time when the comic’s going slowly or repetitively (it has been lately).
Thanks, John. Yes, I do think that this strip could have simply been two panels. Maybe it would have been stronger that way?
I can hear Peter Cushing’s nonchalant delivery of the line, “You may fire when ready.” It was perfect, given how the Empire assumed so much about the Rebel forces, that they were out-manned and out-gunned and it was only a matter of time before the Rebellion was “crrrrushed” with “one swift stroke,” to recall Peter Cushing again.
Those assumptions were soundly and triumphantly “crrrrushed” themselves, which is why I think that moment in Episode IV is so gosh-darn gratifying. You kind of know it’s coming, but it’s still cathartic and almost reaffirming.
….I’m sorry, I went to a very contemplative place, there, and this is just a webcomic. I guess I’m sort of pre-mourning the loss of Governor Tarkin and his Cheekbones of Doom.
Oh, Tarkin….we hardly knew ye….and your bunny slippers are teh kyoot. X D
As you may know from my previous mutterings BMS will be deviating here and there in the very near future as we flesh out some of the interlinking material between A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back. Some Daala strips are coming up in a couple of months and Tarkin may or may not make some cameos.
::::awaiting with bated breath::::
:::Sniff, sniff:::
You’ve been eating vermicelli, haven’t you?
Ooooo… Accelerated pace. Sweet deal! I can’t wait for the Empire strikes back strips to start!
Cower before the Forces mightiest coffee mug, when you’re ready that is. Any time now.
Congrats on the 1 year. Keep em coming buddy!
I read recently (I think it was on TVTropes in the “My God, What Have I Done” Page) that the gunner’s “Stand by… Stand by…” came from his horror at having destroyed Alderaan. He was hoping for a lockdown order, so he deliberately slowed the firing pace.
Not sure if I believe it, but if we can believe a farm boy with absolutely no pilot training would be welcomed into the cockpit of a state of the art combat fighter and sent on a desperate mission to save the Rebels (Seriously, who does that?), then I, at least, can consider the idea of an Imperial Fire Control Technician with a conscience.
Interesting. As usual, the EU has an answer for everything, but we are only commenting on the film in this strip.
Not sure where you get the bit about no pilot training, actually–it’s pretty firmly established that both Luke *and* Biggs are hot-shot bush-pilots back on Tattoine, and that X-Wings are purposely designed to handle similarly to the civvie crafts they were using at the time.
And it’s coming out great, Rod. This archive crawl has about ruined my keyboard from snarfing onto it every other page.
We appreciate you helping flesh out the comment threads for our earlier strips which were decimated after our first site crash at the end of our first year in online publication. So, thanks!
Umm… Aren’t those two TIE-fighters facing backwards?
Hey, if Biggs can fly backwards, so can can they…