Solo’s Expendables
BMS Han Solo has chosen his Strike Team and it’s a little different than the one he used in the actual film. This strip features the subtle return of Boba Fett (thanks to reader support and enthusiasm), though he is now apparently on Team Solo – now there’s an oxymoron. Why did Han choose Apone, Bib Fortuna and Boba Fett for this bug hunt? Are these Han Solo’s expendables? Will it be just another day on the farm for Sgt. Apone? Will the Empire dare touch George Lucas?
More importantly, will Luke, Leia, Chewie and the droids still be going on this mission? Will Corporal Ferro be flying the Imperial Shuttle? Will BMS follow the film from here on out or will we ALIENate our fans? 😉
We went for a sort of middle-aged George Lucas here. Previously you’ve seen Young Lucas and Old Lucas, representing A New Hope and Prequel era Lucas. But now we have a third incarnation of the Lucases, or is that Lucasi? This one looks a little insane. We are referencing, of course, the difficult time behind the scenes for the head of the production team managing the monster that Star Wars’ success had become and its impact on his personal life. While we will not dig any deeper than that in the strip, I did want to explain the vacant, craziness in those eyes. You can read a lot into a pair of dots in a cartoon strip!
This strip took a while. Leanne has been working on Transformers art for Hasbro and I’ve been beleaguered with my arthritis. I still hope to get at least 6 strips done this month. Thanks to everyone for their support via Patreon and of course, verbally. And remember, being able to laugh at ourselves and our geeky interests is healthy.
Oh, by the way… check out Capital Con. Guess who is headlining as a guest of honor? Make room in your calendar for June 19-21 if you can make it to Washington, DC for a Star Wars / Sci-Fi comic-con with a heavy dosage of Blue Milk Special in the program art, panels etc. We hope to see you there. I will post more information next week. But please help us spread the word about this new sci-fi convention! Tell your friends. Post about it on Twitter, Facebook, etc. Thanks!
Oh, and look out for this Princess Leia issue #1 variant cover by Alex Ross and Blue Milk Special. j/k I do think the cigarette works particularly well on this cover though.
I believe that the plural of “Lucas” is “Lucai.”
??? !!! That was unexpected!
Not sure where this is going, but at least you are sure to keep us guessing.
I wonder if they will blow up the death star in the end now. 🙂
It’s the only way to be sure.
The thing Han once said about never seeing anything to make him believe there’s one all-powerful force controlling everything and controlling his destiny? He might soon, now that he has a Lucas on his team.
Yay Transformers!
Hey Rod, I hope the arthritis clears up soon. I have it in my knees, shoulder, and elbow and it blows.
I have a friend who has recently purchased the Dragon speaking software. It works very well for her. Have you thought about something like that?
Yeah, I have used Dragon Speaking, but when it comes to digital art, that has to be done by hand. The best I can do is just take breaks and hope everyone has a lot of patience. 🙂
Sorry to hear you have it too, and in so many places! Ugh. It’s one thing to know someone has arthritis, but it’s another thing to know what it is like. I feel ya. Peace, love and Forciness!
Well, I picked up more than a few injuries in wrestling, football, and MMA, and now I teach Krav Maga, an Israeli developed self defense system. Seems like every other week I’m twisting or snapping something that doesn’t want to heal for months. I think I’m dissolving.
I was under the impression that Leanne did all the artwork and you were the script guy. My bad. About all I can suggest now is, Er… Take breaks and hope everyone is patient.
Good luck, man!
Aw man, a dashing rogue, an eccentric all powerful being, a bounty hunter, a career soldier… Ya just know that the token twelek is gonna bite it first, when the others aren’t looking!
Bib Fortuna?! Jabba’s Major Domo? He schedules appointments! What’s he going to do?
Die wanna wanga?
No I don’t want to see your, oh never mind…
Well, it could be worse, I know greedo’s Rodian kinfolk would chomp at the bit to ride alongside Captain Solo. An if they act up, he could just. Remind them of the truth of who fired first. Hehehe.
Leia’s cigarette make her seem like a hard-boiled cop on the comic book cover.
There’s going be someone named No One, isn’t there.
And “Nub Nub” is actually a pickup line in Ewok, isn’t it.
You know, it really is a great testament to what you do that your readership has virtually no interest in comics, but they love your webcomic.
Hey folks, I figure someone in the Star Wars Art World might have an idea where I can find this picture:
If you know the back story between Han Solo and Chewbacca, you know that Solo was an imperial officer assigned to stopping a Wookie rebellion. He was ordered to destroy the shuttle the Wookies were in. He refused.
The picture is, looking out through Solo’s eyes. You can see Chewie’s bandoleer and Solo’s hands. Solo has an imperial ID card in one hand and a lit match in the other. He’s touching the match to the card.
Has anyone seen this picture? I have been looking for it for over twenty years now.
Hi Chris. I asked around. Here is a response from Graham Pearce: “Yes, I’ve seen it. It was a Topps trading card from the Star Wars Galaxy series in the early 1990s. It was reprinted in either The Art of Star Wars Galaxy Volume 1 or 2. I’ve got the book somewhere in my attic.” And Marc added: “I wanna say it was in the Topps Art cards or one of those Art Inspired by SW books from the 90s. Or maybe a copy of SW Galaxy Magazine. Recommend pouring through the PDFs of those. I’ll see if I can find it.” If you can’t find it, maybe Graham or Marc will be able to find it.
Here you go (this is courtesy of Marc Wason).
and back of card 
That may be as difficult a picture to find, as a Salvatore Dali print of two blindfolded dental hygienists making a circle, on an etch-a-sketch. But… I digress.
Lucas has seen some things man. You wouldn’t believe the things he’s seen man. Things that had to be seen man. And apparently he’s still them according to Disney. Man.
Here’s an idea: How about Gandalf comes to the Lars ranch, looking for someone to share in an adventure, and Luke’s all like, wooooot, but then Owen does a Bilbo and says something like, “No! Absolutely not! we do not want ANY adventures here, thank you! You might try Middle-Earth or a Doctor Who episode. Good morning.” Meaning Luke has to wait for someone else to come along, like Obi-Wan, who comes right after Gandalf leaves and Luke goes inside, and Owen’s like, “Don’t even think about it.”
You should work some Rebels in here. Somehow. Maybe make fun of Ezra’s hair, which is black not blue, but looks that way sometimes, doesn’t it. Or maybe have Boba flirting with Sabine. Mandalorians. 🙄
Boba Fett, because Han Solo is worth a lot to him alive, so he’s like a bodyguard instead of a bounty hunter now. 😉