New to Blue Milk Special? Start reading from the beginning!

No, unfortunately this scene never happened in the book or comic adaptation. A shame really. It might have livened things up. Somehow, Bea Arthur really brings a lot to the character and now Halla/Ackmena seems to have taken on a life of her own in the strip. We will have to see where this goes as we pass the half way point in the Splinter of the Mind’s Eye story.

Looks like our final rank for the month of October was 39. We received over 2600 votes in the end. Thanks to everyone who took the moment to click to vote for us each day. We have uploaded a new incentive strip to kick off November’s round of voting. So, technically you’re getting two new strips today! Hope you like this concurrent storyline which has been developing over at Jabba’s town house or as I like to call it, Jabba’s place. No, I didn’t mean to say Jabba’s Palace. I meant, Jabba’s place, somewhere in Mos Eisley Spaceport. Hmmm… Jabba’s Place… sounds like a sitcom.

Just a reminder, if you like Leanne’s work on the strip then be sure to check out her other work in comics which can be found on her website: She’s also on Twitter talking about the Orioles, Doctor Who, or other random things.

We hope everyone had a happy Halloween. We had 3 trick or treaters. I had a feeling that would be all we’d get so I told the kids to go crazy with the candy and take as much as they dared. They didn’t take the whole bowl, which means I will be brushing my teeth even more diligently for the next few evenings. You know what I mean? Bring on Thanksgiving!

Apparently, if you're a straight guy, it really does pay to be a jawa.