Splinter of the Mind’s Eye – Part 24
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I just realized that newcomers are probably arriving at BlueMilkSpecial.com for the first time and wondering what the hell we’re doing. Splinter of the Mind’s Eye? What is that? Well, in a nutshell, it’s a book that was written right after the original film was released in 1977.
The book, published in 1978 does not include Han Solo. Add to this imposed omission a less epic scope for the adventure. These limitations were made for practical reasons as the idea for SOTME was for it to serve as the script for a sequel to the original film IF it had not performed well at the box office. As a lower budget adventure, it might be more feasible to produce and continue the story of Luke’s journey towards becoming a Jedi like his father. This also meant that, at the time of its writing, many things that we take for granted today, such as Vader being Luke’s dad, Leia being his sister, and so on, were not yet set in stone. This alone makes SOTME an interesting diversion from the regular Star Wars mythos because it’s a what-could-have-been.
We are “taking the mickey” out of it (for you Americans, that means “poking fun at”) because, to be perfectly honest, it’s a less than stellar story with some moments of bizarre characterization and dialogue that we simply could not leave untouched. Now, my apologies to our regular readers for this little disclaimer of sorts, but I don’t want our hordes of new readers to be put off by this temporary diversion from our impending parody of The Empire Strikes Back.
I should add, that while we’re not exactly fans of the work, we do love the general concept of Luke and Leia crash landing on a swampy jungle world, wandering through the mists, meeting another Force mentor (sort of), being lost in a cave and eventually fighting Vader. Those elements, when interpreted in the cover by Ralph MacQuarrie are haunting and poignant. Oh wait! We kind of got that in Empire Strikes Back, didn’t we? Sans Leia, of course. Which is part of what makes SOTME kind of cool.
I say kind of. Note my careful choice of words. Leia is part of what makes the idea of this story a bit more interesting, although the whole Princess and servant boy thing is a little overwrought. The atmosphere of this alien world is great, but beyond that nothing really leaps out with much spirit, passion, or eloquence. The pacing is punctuated by only a few moments of action and suspense. Very little really seems to happen… until the end… ;=
We have closed voting for your favorite Original Trilogy film. The result was anticipated. The Empire Strikes Back bitch slaps all in its path like an AT-AT in jackboots. Really what is more interested is the duel for second and third place. For a long time Star Wars (1977) was winning by a hair, with Return of the Jedi pulling ahead on a couple of occasions. With only two votes ultimately separating them, Return of the Jedi happens to have been marginally in the lead at the time of closing this poll. Effectively however, I would say that there two were tied… but ironically they couldn’t place second as the vote for all three movies pipped them significantly in the end. I am a little surprised that Return of the Jedi gave Star Wars such tough competition. My personal vote actually went to Star Wars. Yes, Empire has the drama, but Star Wars has the vision and the magic.
There is a new poll which I expect will be a tougher question for many of our more mainstream readers unfamiliar with pseudo-canon. Thanks to BMSer Michael D. for the suggestion! In response to Michael’s other suggestion, no, I can tell you right now, BMS will not show hooters.
We are looking for good poll questions, so be sure to suggest anything you have in mind. We need to have a finite number of possible answers. Aim for no more than 10 (although I think we can add a couple more if necessary).

Yay! That’s me!! (Beef! is my Robotech.Com nickname)
Thanks man! I’m giddy over here!! Thanks for using my suggestion!
Too bad about the hooters though…
Do I win a sketch or something?
Have I mentioned how much I’m loving this detour…. eh … side-tour? Also, thanks for introducing me to a book I will cherish to hate for a long time to come.
A little help? Very little. : P
Will Leia have an intervention, or will her immersion into substances continue to be a running gag throughout BMS?
Terrific – I love where this is headed 🙂
Does anyone know if Carrie is endorsing this strip?
she probably would neil!
Ha ha – low budget is right. The audience has to imagine there’s a monster!
Disappointed to see the original film losing out – even to RotJ. I’m guessing that people my age might be in the minority here (42). Empire and Jedi might have been their first big cinema experience of SW as children so they’re even dearer to their hearts.
SW was actually the first time I ever went to the cinema on my own so it’s a precious memory.
For the record, I’ll take Ep IV over VI any day – being 16 when RotJ came out, I was cynical enough to find Jabba’s Palace one big muppet show and hated the Ewoks.
In retrospect, I love the film a little more with each passing year – but it still comes 5th in my complete saga listings…
Some days I think I’m the only SW fan in the world who doesn’t hate the Ewoks. I wasn’t even that little when I first watched the movies (on video, not in the cinema) and I liked them. Knowing the way other fans feel, though, I am surprised that RotJ beat SW in the poll even by only 2 votes.
It could also be an indicator of the age demographics for our readership. If you were younger when ROTJ came out the trend seems to be that you remember the movie more fondly. Here I am generalizing and yet I was about 7 years old or so when I first saw ROTJ and I liked it enough at the time. Who knows… For me it’s the weakest of the three films because it recycles the original Death Star plot device and more overtly a theme park ride than the previous too. The Ewoks may look cute and may not be truly hate worthy, but they oversell the concept of primitives vs machines. It could have and should have worked better with Wookiees as originally intended (no, forget about the Holiday Special). I’m not a big Ewok hater. I actually have fond memories of them when I saw the film the first few times as well as the animated series (despite its apalling theme tune). Today, however, as a storyteller myself, the Ewoks feel so out of left field.
I guess ‘hate’ was too strong a word… I was just so disappointed how the might of the Imperial machine was crushed so easily by the little dudes…
I have a theory that, due to a flaw in the genetic makeup of the cloned storm troopers, they are afraid of teddy bears, to the point of extreme phobia. Only there ego, training, and fear of military discipline keeps them from running at the site of fuzz.
This may be a good survival instinct in the case of Wookies, but can be a severe limitation when facing a determined army of Ewoks. It is the only plausible explanation I can come up with for how the elite Imperial machine could be overrun by a force (or should I say farce) of cuddly little bears with spears.
I don’t hate the Ewoks. I wasn’t a fan of the cartoon show though, but then I couldn’t take the Droids show either; I LOVED Luke, Han, and Boba Fett as a kid and still do but in reverse order these days.
The ewoks were intergalactic carebears who’s sole purpose was to make $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. It was david vs goliath with a case of the warm fuzzies. They need to be slapped on my R2-BBQ droid and grilled for all us BMSers to enjoy. First you cripple stormtroopers with having no aim and then you put the whip creme and cherry on top with being beaten by the ALF Brigade.
I never saw any of the original trilogy in the theatre until the Special Editions. I was born in 1978. So cinematic nostalgia is not a part of the reasoning behind why Star Wars (1977) is my favorite. I saw the films in order. I believe I saw a television airing of Star Wars, and I didn’t see Empire until we moved to NZ in 1985, and that was on video. We also saw Return of the Jedi on video too. Through my teenage years I liked Empire best. All the drama and “maturity”. But as an adult I find that the seriousness isn’t as important to me. I don’t need Empire to justify the awesomeness of the Star Wars films, I just love the original most because it has the greatest imagination of the bunch and there’s a magic to John William’s music that takes me away.
The original one is the perfect, complete, 2 hour statement of a unique creative individual. Even though it draws on so many sources it works perfectly as an original cohesive work – never seeming merely derivative like 90% of today’s mainstream blockbusters. Even its many flaws pass you by unnoticed so well does it flow. It is what it is – stands alone obstensibly unique. Despite all the many hands that crafted it there’s no ‘design-by-commitee’ feel to it. The entire story – implausibly – takes place in a couple of days but feels EPIC as it sweeps you along. The characters so incredibly well realised. I could go on.
Lucas sweated blood over it, draft after draft, year after year.but you never sense that effort as you watch it. I could go on. My appreciation increases all the time. There are hidden depths if you want them – and it’s a mere thrill ride if you just want that from it.
When I do my yearly (sometimes bi-yearly) Star Wars marathon (1-6 all in order(13 hours and 26 minuets for anybody wondering)) I gain more of an appreciation for IV every time ;= .
Did you see any platypuses while you were down there Rod ?
Ah… viewing marathons. I suppose the BMS equivalent would be reading from the first to the latest strip in one sitting. I expect that in a few months time such a task will only be completed by the most insane BMSers.
Is that with or without incentive strips 😉
Just did the math, if you can call it that- 387 strips so far, maybe 30 seconds to a minuet ( if you like to look at the art for a bit) per strip, so about 3 hours (to 6 for a minuet) to read them all but I think I would go back and look at some of the comments. That is awesome when you think about it, thanks for all of the hard work.
I would love to do that. Do you drink alcohol during it? I’d have to pace myself or it’d all become a blur.
Just wanted to say GREAT COMIC!!!! Oh and my first foray into your story was via the link from Geeks of Doom. (I still can’t believe it took me that long to find your strip!) After reading that first one, I pulled the “insane” Strip Marathon! I didn’t time it, but let’s just say it was well worth the time invested!
For me the toys, especially the now vintage 3&3/4 inch action figures made the magic.
I loved the films,but had to hold them in my hands to make my own stories, so to speak.
Fortunately I saved them all, and added to my collection over the years.
I have 3 extra sets of the first 12 and Boba Fett for my 2 kids (and maybe another one some day).
My kids are now singing the music, recognizing the characters (thanks in part to BMS) and asking to see the films, which will be any day now (Episodes IV, V, and VI) only.
This way I hope to pass on the films, and the fun also.
Wow. So they haven’t seen the films yet, but started out with the toys? Interesting? How do you think BMS impacts their understanding of the Star Wars world and characters?
My little guy, Harrison, is in the same boat. He knows the characters and ships inside and out – but won’t see the films for at least another 3 years (he’s 2 now). Call it a social experiment.
They love BMS (especially Vader).
They have probably pieced together a good part of the underlying story (which I used as a bedtime story once in a pinch).
As I have said this requires a bit of creative censorship at times but, not that much.
I have not given them the toys yet (I will cry if they lose the weapons) but they acquire mine (with or without permission) all the time.
They also love Indiana Jones (because I have a vintage 12″ one in my study which they keep borrowing).
I get the biggest rush out of seeing them sing the theme song, and fight with light saber cardboard tubes.
I have tried to get this on video, with no luck (they stop whatever they are doing when they see a camera).
I want to send the sound clip to John White for his site, as it seems relevant.
For me; BMS bring Star Wars back to life, for another time in my life (sometimes surpassing the originals). 🙂 For my kids; it is a perfect (with a bit of skimming over parts) introduction because they will not yet sit still for the movies. 🙂
For my wife; “Oh my god are you still on the computer drawing milk cartons? Why can’t you watch Football like a normal person” 😉
LOL. That’s great to hear. Although on the last point, I have to say I’m constantly aware of how lucky I am to have a wife that is as big of a geek as me. Actually, she’s more into sports than I am! ;=
Thats amazing. Just out of curiosity how do you stop them from watching The Clone Wars ?
Reading these stories makes me wish I could remember seeing Star Wars for the first time or even seeing them in theaters. Unfortunately I was born in that awkward gap where I have only seen the Prequels in theaters and cant remember the first time I saw the Originals 🙁 .
Sam. They found The Clown Wars (Mis-spelling intended) on their own but, fortunately, they spend most of their TV time watching vintage Pink Panther episodes (with a little Samurai Jack thrown in).
My entire family (and anyone who watches them) knows that no one but me gets to show them the Cannon films for the first time. The penalty will probably be my rubbing my stinky armpits on their pillows, or putting some Tuna Fish oil behind all the hard to reach furnature in their house (depending on how serious the breach is).
I must be missing something. Call it “lack of Force sensitivity” or something, but I don’t know what the “it” Leia is refering to in the 3rd panel. Would someone elaborate for me?
It = The water worm. Damn, thought that was clear. :-/
Thanks! I guess that comes with SOTME being a low-budget story, right (re: John White’s post)? : ) Anyway, thanks for binging us BMS; it makes my work day a little easier.
Thanks Steve! Hearing that from you actually makes MY work day a little easier! 🙂
Well then who told me “It” was a giant purple elephant ;=
Yes, sorry – I couldn’t see the mosters either. Thought they were ice or stalacmites.
Maybe I need to add “roar!” sound effects to make it more obvious. I guess I was taking it for granted that people would understand the connection between Luke’s comment about defending Leia from the Water Worm.
Best EU work is the republic commando series. A lot of people are miffed about KTs books focusing so much on mandos, but honestly they deserve a little perspective too. There’s PLENTY of jedi/sith material, bunch of random rabble and a bit o’ mando.
And of course, only one BMS O__-
I’m not too familiar with the Extended Universe, outside of, what some people refer to as “The Lesser Trilogy”. So I can’t really put my two-cents into the poll this time without being really biased. What I would suggest for a poll is a shallow one, but I’d ask people what there favorite color lightsaber would be. Y’know, blue, green, red, purple, yellow, etc.
The punchline for this episode isn’t the funniest, but I know what the real joke is: Leia thinks that line is downright hilarious, being stone drunk. That’s one of the reasons why she’s my favorite of the characters; that cigarette chronically hanging out of her mouth wins me over every time. I can imagine Han’s first kiss with her must not taste too good when that comes.
Thanks for the honesty! 😛
I wouldn’t say anything less. If I have to lie about something, said something isn’t worth committing to.
But that’s me.
Silence can be golden! ;=
I like the Force Unleashed story so far. The third game isn’t out yet, so there is some of the story yet to be released, but I like where it is going. Also, from a gameplay standpoint, the games are great. Though the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of both games are the most definitive. But that is my opinion….
Pal, about this new voting, I know yu don’t really like the prequels but calling them “EU” is going too far. everyone knows there are officially 6 main and primary cannon stories
Also I am not familiar with that “Jedi Academy” one. So many EU’s with that name includen. which one are you exactly reffering to?
Actually, the current poll was the suggestion of one of our readers, along with the voting options. The only one I contributed was the Jedi Academy. There, see that? I just threw someone under the bus. ;= Vader would be proud.
My memory of RotJ was that it came out when I was a young tween… I was visiting extended relatives with my mom in a SMALL town in NEBRASKA (yes, small even by Nebraska standards). The only thing TO do those long boring days and weeks was to sneak down to the local theater that had only one screen… and it was playing RotJ. I don’t know if I could have kept my sanity had it not been for those few hours of diversion…
Seriously… they didn’t have TV… they didn’t have an Atari… and all anyone did was sit around all day. I also developed quite a collection of Topps (I think it was Topps) RotJ trading cards. MAN that bubble gum was inedible!!!
I absolutely love Leia in this strip!
Her nonchalant attitude and facial expression in the last frame are just priceless 🙂
I wasn’t here yet, to poll for my favorite OT SW, but my favorite is ROTJ!!! <3 And I'm very disappointed and surprised it got so low result. All though Luke and Leia look very old on that (because of Mark's car accident and Carrie's drugs?), I love it because Leia is not such a bitch what she is in New Hope and TESB. She is more "relaxed" or how to say it, English isn't my native… Maybe The Kiss had done it for Leia! 😉 All though I'm a big fan of Leia <3 Han, I don't like the Empire so much. Hoth sucks and so on… 😀
“Ah… viewing marathons. I suppose the BMS equivalent would be reading from the first to the latest strip in one sitting. I expect that in a few months time such a task will only be completed by the most insane BMSers.”
/sheepishly raises hand
it would go faster if there werent all these compelling comments to read
I must say, I think the new iPad with retna display was designed for BMS – a very enjoyable reading experience – if I could keep from dozing off! BTW, thats more a commentary on my poor sleep habits then the quality of you work or contributions of my fellow commenters…