IMG_3954Make way for the Emperor! Oh, and introducing “Shep” the Royal Guard. He’s the one responsible for the ramp accident in the previous strip. Look for more of Shep in BMS soon. He’s based on a 501st Legion friend of ours, Allen Shepherd who just happens to be a Royal Guard. Check out this awesome photo of Shep with “muggy”.

Please don’t forget that you can get all sorts of BMS goodies by subscribing to support us through Patreon. You can get hi-res pinups from selected panels from each strip, the strip one day before everyone else, a free pinup, or a free sketchcard. You choose how much to give us per month and you can cancel whenever you want. Here’s an example since we’re on a Royal Guard theme right now…


If we can hit $250 a month then we are resurrecting Boba Fett for the latter half of the ROTJ BMS storyline. Don’t delay, contribute today! Or don’t. We’ll still be here.