The Empire Strikes Back Teaser #3
The final in the fly on the window TESB teaser series. Next week will feature the BMS debut of the ice planet Hoth. Hope you like our nice new establishing shots of the Imperial Fleet. This may become the new default format for the rest of the TESB parody. We have Geoffrey Padilla to thank, as usual, for the awesome CGI ship model exports with a few touch ups of my own.
The results are in and they speak for themselves. Answer 1 and 2 are essentially the same answer just phrased differently and they got the most votes by far. Coming in third place was the theory that Lucas deliberately made the change just so that he could give fuel to parodies like BMS. Once again, BMS fans prove they have a great sense of humor. We love you guys!
Now, what’s your opinion on the new poll? We want to know which new character’s debut (in BMS) you are looking forward to the most in our Empire Strikes Back parody.
Below you will find a new batch of BMS paper milk carton templates provided by our BMSketeer papersmith, T. Gatto. This time he brings you the Emperor, Obi-Wan Kenobi and a cameo from Neil Baker’s “Turning to the Dork Side” webcomic, Salacious Crumb.
Next week we will see the Milk Carton debut of Captain Grammel (that splits down the middle) and one of the retarded Yuzzem from Splinter of the Mind’s Eye. We will also debut a series of BMS Milk Carton webcomics created, once again, by T. Gatto.
You can view all of the BMS Milk Cartons so far on our Downloads page.
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Check out the exclusive voting incentive strip starring the Cantina Band over at Help support our site with a simple click each day.
TK-8008 has the best job.
Dunno exactly which character I’m most looking forward to in BMS:TESB, but I’ll be interested to see where you go with Lando after your treatment of Biggs, might there be a team up of the caped crusaders on the books?
Yea, they both seem to have a thing for capes.
I’m looking forword to Lando, as well as the interplay between Imperial Officers and Bounty Hunters!
I’m also kinda expecting good things from the Ugnaughts too…
Rod I laughed so hard today, at the strip, that my wife knocked on the door of my den and asked what was wrong.
I had to breathe again before I could answer her, TK8008 rules!
As for the cartons, thank you so much for posting them. I have corrected versions of a few that I will E-mail you in a few minutes (small fixes after assembly to make them easier). I also have the legs for R2 and R5, and the thumbs up for the alternate Jawa, if anyone wants them. Is there anyway to track how many cartons were downloaded (I’m just curios)?
You actually liked my milk carton parody of BMS enough to post a few? If you want to censor the language a bit you have my permission, I could really care less either way. I do have the blank photos without text, if necessary. Sorry in advance Mom, if you ever read them!
I’m looking back through the cartons and, unless I missed it, I think the Bith/Band made it’s debut today as well (in the downloads section only).
Holy crap. TK-8008 is awesome.
Also, space bugs. They exist in Star Wars. No kidding.
It figures. The Star Was Expanded Universe is so bloated there’s something of everything by now.
Yeah, I know right? It’s just gotten… Silly. I mean, space bugs? Why doesn’t an EU writer try to explain, oh, I don’t know… Why the empire didn’t simply eradicate small rebel fleets, what could have POSSIBLY kept them occupied, so that they had to divide their resources throughout The Galaxy, to the point a few ragtag bands could do SO much? I’m working on that one, but I highly doubt I’ll ever get it out there.
Well there were space bats in ESB…
Yeah, but at least Mynocks made some sense. Fed on things like Durasteel, so on and so forth.
Then there’s “shriekbats.” The only real predator for them. sounds stupid, right?
YES Hooray for the return of TK-8008
The fly triptych is complete, TKBOOB is back, and T.Gatto turns in some awesome cartons.
What a way to start the week 🙂
Oh @#%& I can’t even follow my own instructions. I put the feet on the Crumb cartom Backwards (I think I also misspelled Butt). Quality workmanship is so hard to find these days.
Good thing I’m not paid.
Great, now I misspelled carton. I need another vacation.
For some reason, my first thought upon seeing the imperial fleet in the first panel was, “That Imperial Super Star Destroyer really needs a big bumper sticker that says ‘I Brake for Weasels!'”
I have no idea why. My mind is a mysterious place …
It was a tough choice, but I’m looking forward to Snow Trooper 8008!
@TekServer, I would prefer the “SpaceBalls” version: “I Brake for Nobody”
New vote thing, I don’t know if I should do Lando or Yoda. Maybe IG-88 nah he’s 2nd
The ship to the left is upside down
Ah yes… the mysterious Star Destroyer…
I forgot to mention that. I love those little details.
It’s STILL upside down. Fix it please.
John, with all due respect, what are you complaining about?
You’re still working on fixing something you started when you were 9-years-old! 😉
Yeah, let it go. 😛
Ooh, burn!
Ha ha! Good one.
It’s obviously MEANT to be upside down.
Its space, there is no up or down.
Although I would expect Vader to assume whichever ship he is on to be right, and anyone not on the same orientation to be wrong.
That rivals: “…no one can hear you scream.”
Yay, Ender’s Game. They explicity spell this out.
Not nearly enough Lobot love in the poll!!!
If I was drinking blue milk, I would have just snorted it through my nose. Thank you for making every week special Rod 🙂 I LOOOVE this one!
I have, on occasion, caused Leanne to almost choke with hysterical laughter when an unfortunately timed joke coincided with a glass of something carbonated. The joke was too crude to repeat here, but I do try my best.
I want to vote for the wampa.
Wait….the Star Destroyer on the left….is upside the hell down.
X D Love it.
I know Rod must be blind or something.
Rod – can I call you Rod? -I was wondering about how I can email you two. you psoted it once but I’ve forgotten :3
I like your :3 Walrus Man/Ponda Baba – or Dr.Zoidburg?
It’s apparently one of the japanese internet-smileys. “Cat’s Tounge” :3
I just added a “contact us” menu item to the menu bar at the top of the page. That should work.
thx 😀
I’m all too eager to see the return of the normal schedule: The launching of the probe droid that didn’t want to go to a winter all-year-round planet, Luke getting swatted at by a wide-mouthed yeti, the Taun taun (is that how it’s spelled?) getting a mouthful of yeti fist, etc. Eager EAGER BMS’er here!
By the way, I’m on to your corner cutting: That’s TK-8008 right out of the November 22nd panel. Shame, shame.
But on the other hand, one can point out the TV episodes of my comic. Totally shameless hacking of myself.
We’ve used stock art from the beginning and even written behind the scene articles on how we produce the comic.
I feel stupid for not seeing that. Also, apparently I shouldn’t be reading this as much as I do, ‘cuz I’m a minor…… sort of, I’m legal to drive. 🙂
You just HAD to ruin my delusion didn’t you? Just HAD to say “Yeah, everyone knows that. So?” Much obliged for ruining the illusion of making me look like I had a one-up!
That’s all nice for TK-8008 to be an errand boy for a Dark Lord of The Sith and all, but if there really is no insect out there, what happens when he comes back empty handed?
I’m amazed at how someone staring at a fly on the other side of a window can be so freaking funny!
For three consecutive strips!
But when it’s Vader, with his mug, on a Star Destroyer, I just can’t stop laughing!!!
TK-8008 kicks ass!
He is my favourite character.
I hope he will meet up with Biggs one day.
Omg…Hi-larious. I love TK-8008!
Shouldn’t TK-8008 be like…a woman?