Trick or treat?
This week we are celebrating Halloween with a special strip. What is the one candy you can’t stand? I know some people love coconut, but Leanne and I have always left any candies that make use of that ingredient alone. Almond Joys are always the last candy left in our Halloween candy jar. I could have picked Tootsie Rolls or Whoppers, as two examples of budget candies that are usually the last ones left in any assorted candy bowl, but it was Almond Joys that inspired this strip in the first place, so what the hey.
So, what is the worst candy? The one that is always left over after October 31st?
And while we’re on a Halloween theme…
Leanne and I were hard at work earlier this year for Dark Horse comics on the hardcover He-Man and the Masters of the Universe Minicomic Collection
which will be released on November 5, 2015.
For anyone who grew up with the Masters of the Universe toys, this is a great coffee table book collecting all the mini-comics that came packaged with every action figure. Not only is it a complete set of all the Masters of the Universe comics, but it also includes She-Ra: Princess of Power, and the New Adventures of He-Man comics that followed. Leanne and I individually scanned nearly every page from original copies, then we spent hours on every issue retouching the art, and entirely re-lettering every word balloon. It was a monumental scale project and you can read about our experiences, and those of the others involved in the making of this book by going to the interviews here, and part 2 here.
We felt very privileged to be involved in this project and do our part to preserve a piece of childhood for so many people.
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe Minicomic Collection
The restoration team was made up of the husband and wife duo Rod and Leanne Hannah, plus Jon Kallis, Rachel Crockett as well as Val Staples. When it came to the work, Rod Hannah revealed, “This was a huge project. It involved scanning every page from all the minicomics, repairing damage, sharpening up the images, eliminating the print showing through from the opposite pages, and restoring the word balloons. In some cases, small segments of artwork had to be recreated where the glue had stuck pages together. Comparing multiple copies of each minicomic and trying to find pieces that made perfect art was near impossible. A lot of time went into getting this book ready, but everyone who was involved was a fan and we all knew what we were doing was for the preservation of our childhoods and a piece of pop culture history.”
Leanne Hannah went on to say, “I put in a lot of long, long hours on scanning and restoration solidly over the course of a few months. Some of the work could be insanely challenging depending on the quality of the comics themselves and how much work was involved in repairing damaged pages and art, but it was fun at the same time and in the end it really paid off. A lot went into making sure that the art and color in the digital files matched what readers saw on the original printed pages to give fans the best experience possible.”
Read the full behind the scenes interviews here, and part 2 here.
Meanwhile, we continue to try to raise funds to help the website. We are more than halfway toward achieving our extended goal! Please check out the information below and think about contributing. Thanks!
If you had not yet been able to pitch in and would still like to, we are trying to raise as much of a bonus as possible which will go towards improving the design of the site, particularly the archive and navigation functionality as well as future maintenance, backups and emergency fixes.
How much room we have to grow the site will depend on the continued success of the New Blue Milk Special Websbite campaign at GoFundMe. So, if you can help out, that is fantastic. If you can’t, that’s fine. I know a lot of people are not in a great situation at the moment. Neither are we. Thanks for reading BMS and shooting us your emails and leaving your comments. They are a huge motivation for both of us.
New Blue Milk Special Websbite campaign at GoFundMe
HEY! Sometimes you feel like a nut…
Is that link correct, only 1 copy for sale at £450?
Yeah! Thanks, I had the wrong link. I’ve fixed it now. Book retails for $18. Not £450.
Shoulda kept your mouth shut, I was about to buy it. :p
OK maybe not…
Worst Candy?
Pixie Sticks, just watch the rug rats jump off the walls for hours after they eat a few, they are just like eating a spoon full of pure sugar.
You realize that Pixie sticks are basically sugar filled straws right?
Have read for quite some time (but need to start at the beginning – some day). Lots of fun. Thanks to the youngling who stumbled upon it in the first place (and yes, we saw your warning — you have yet to offended any of us).
Had to respond to/comment on today’s entry because in our house, an Almond Joy is the Holy Grail. They are never on sale at Halloween and hardly anyone hands them out. So if you get one — that’s a high point. The collection that heads to the office of He Who Must Be Obeyed — lollipops/Tootsie pops, Tootsie Rolls, Pixie Sticks, Lifesavers and anything else that doesn’t contain chocolate or licorice.
Would love to take the Almond Joys off your hands.
You’re only a state away.
Coconut is on my short list of food I can’t stand. And I think they especially ruin a good candy bar. I don’t want the almonds either!
Australia ( especially the State of Tasmania) does not have the long tradition and history of your Halloween. In My day we went to Church for an evening mass (All Saints Day). That said we did have sweets ,and candy in our Show Bags and the “Redskins” bar was often the least popular one in them.Redskins are raspberry-flavoured chewy confections manufactured in Australia by Nestlé under their Allen’s brand.
The candy is sold as a short 11.5-gram bar wrapped in paper. Multi-packs and Redskin lollipops are also available.
Speaking of Shows, this years “Royal Launceston Show” had the local branch of the 501st there! One of the members of “Thylacine Squadron” was wearing a “Tie Fighter” pilots costume and looking at stuff at my stall when this woman rushes up with her children and begs him to “Do the voice,do the voice!” and “Oh where is your Light sabre?”
Was very diasapponted when told he was not Lord Vader.
I will happily take all the Almond Joys, Whoppers, Tootsie Rolls, & Tootsie Roll Pops off your hands…
My despised candy is Candy Corn… Candy Corn and Peeps (of any Seasonal/Holiday variety)
Candy corn might be bad, but for me two things that say…..I don’t like kids, but passed out candy anyway… Bit-o-honeys and those hand stuffed bags with something that isn’t even individually wrapped and therefore never trusted. (You know who you are… Out there.)
My mom loves Almond Joys. She got a mixed bag with them this year and will likely be snacking on the leftovers for a few days.
Wow, I just got that HenMan book from my comic shop (comic shops always get mainstream releases early). It’s MASSIVE!!I I didn’t even realize you guys worked on it – congrats!!
Thanks, between Leanne and myself, a good 80% of that book was from us. It was tough keeping BMS going over the month we had to complete it.
I just got my copy of the He-man book! Good stuff you guys!