Wampa Cave #2
Check out the new FaceBook page for Star Wars: Age 9!
John White is one of the regular faces here in the Blue Milk Special comment threads since the early days. Many of you already know that John has his own Star Wars webcomic. And it is AWESOME!
Like any good webcomic it has something unique about it. Just as the title suggests, John did an adaptation of the original Star Wars movie back in 1977-1980 starting when he was only aged 9 years old. Having found his old pages, John decided to share them with the online world and as such it’s a fascinating and often hilarious insight into the mind of our younger selves.
While the picture on the left is an example of his recent Special Editions drawn by his contemporary self, the majority of the strips come from the shaking pen and wobbly markers of a kid living in Ireland who was just escaping the 1970s. The best thing about this nostalgia trip is John’s commentary on his own work, often self depreciating, but always funny. Star Wars: Age 9 has some great articles about Star Wars and life and is the product of one of those rare geniuses that this world is lucky enough to have to keep life interesting!
Check it out and support Star Wars: Age 9 on Top Web Comics.com and on FaceBook.
woohoo first! (and my first comment on bms) you guys are great! love these comic strips. keep up the good work!
Damn those infomercials… This wampa is so barbaric! How will Luke make it out of this one? ;A;
Rod, what can I say? So grateful for your kind promo. BMS has always been – as you’ve said yourself – a good neighbour to SWa9.
“INFOMERCIALS agh! Ok, I’m ready for you to maul me to death now. Hello? Now is a good time!”
Hey John;
My kids are at an age now when they are drawing things for me all the time, and since they know I like Star Wars they have drawn me a few Star Wars gems, this got me thinking:
– Since you never finished your strip at a young age, have you ever thought of having some kids (the more the merrier) draw you some Star Wars pictures.
You could probably kit bash them into comic pages and maybe add your own text.
This way, you could probably finish the Trilogy with some additional interesting material to show for it (In addition to your awesome special edition).
Just a thought.
I love that idea. Especially adding word balloons!
heh heh heh…
Hiya Tom,
Sounds a bit like Axe Cop – but retaining the kids’ art – which I really like. I finished the original film alright – but not the others. I got a quarter through Empire and had moved on before Jedi. I never even saw that in he cinema!
So, a sweatshop of kids in the basement – gotcha – working for bread and water – uh – huh, I like it. IT SOUNDS SO CRAZY IT MIGHT JUST WORK!
Being Irish, I thought you would offer them a bit O Guiness, and a potato a day
Or you could ask any friends with kids for a picture or two, and post a request on your page, I’d send you a few pics if you like (Though some Bailey’s or Jameson would work for me also).
What happened was that in 1977, I was this half-Irish that was dropped from the UK into the middle of NOWHERE in the Irish countryside. I like the countryside but seriously, Ireland in 1977 was a bleak, grey, almost Eastern Block-primitive sort of place. But then…. “Ahhhhhh (God Rays)” From Hollywoodland, in dat shiny America place dere, came STAR WARS. What a release, what an escape, what a glimpse of somewhere totally exciting!
Poor Luke… I can relate to SW age 9.. I tried my hand at illustrating Han Solo at Stars End..used my Falcon toy for ship reference..never got past a couple pages with it..so bravo to him indeed!
Fascinating Don! Do you still have it? I’d like stuff like that posted on the Facebook page – and the site itself.
used to draw alot of comic strips when i was younger. not only star wars, but i tended to make parodies of various movie-scenes with them. it was always about a living hammer and nail, with added characters as the years passed, all of them tool-box related. they’re lsot now too I think. have no idea where they are anyway…
I say forget the rest of the film and just do ‘hanging in the cave reaching for shit’ strips – I could read these all year – LOL
Nice shout out for Star Wars Age 9 – not enough folks are enjoying John’s chicken nugget of a site.
Danm, with his recent work I cant pick on John anymore for not doing anything since he was 9 (though I might still try).
With regards to the BMS strip, it is pure silliness at its finest.
Infomercials are oddly entertaining somehow. I hope you have a few more of these, it’s fun.
Well done with the old fashioned set and rabbit-ears!
The humour is great !
How did De Jawa Vu get to Hoth? lol
LOL A Rebel Legion field trip, maybe?
Messin’ with Luke. I love you guys.
Wampa! Wampa!Wampa!
We’ve all tried to use the force to pick up the remote … haven’t we?
Maybe his lightsaber never fell off!
Well at least we know where Luke’s priorities are.
And on that note, how in the heavens did the giant yeti get Luke up there anyway? Thaw the ceiling, then let it freeze again? Really, what?
Could’ve peed on his boots then held them against the icy ceiling ’til he stuck.
It’s great when people ask these questions!
And even better when we have creative answers from our readers!
John, that one needs to be drawn up.
The visual just won’t leave my mind.
I think I’ll call 1-800-Taun Taun.