Wasting time
If Chewie and Leia hadn’t wasted time throttling Lando, they would have arrived on the East Platform at least 30 or more seconds sooner, well before Mr. Fett actually took off. Just something to think about…
The Blue Milk Special Podcast episode 3 should now be available via iTunes (should be listed everywhere by the end of the day).
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You know, I’ve never thought about it. But that is a very good point. 😀
Aaaaaahhhhh, very, very true….if Chewie had used his anger management skills, they might have caught up to the….the….shoot. What’s the name of Boba Fett’s ship? I just blanked on it. Slave IV? Hrm.
I checked wookipedia. it’s slave I, credited as being jango fett’s old ship repainted (like his armor). slave 2 was a completely different kind of ship, only the name was similiar, and boba used it post-ROTJ
ah i checked more. after slave 2 was damaged he abandoned it while huntin han. it was a mandamotor persuer-class enforcement ship. slave 3’s ship class is unkown accoridng to WP. slave 3 was an AIAT/i gunship. according to Wp he abandoned it for reasons unknown. he recollected Slave I before the yuuzhan vong came. it had been found abandoned in tatooines orbit (WP says IG-88 rivals damaged it on the way from bespin to Jabba) by a rebel scout patrol and left alone in a drive yard for many years. Only slave 1 was of the typical fire-spray type we see in episode II and V.
oops i meant that slave FOUR was an AIAT/i gunship, according to WP
i actually have one of the “easy-kit” star wars line ship models (easy-kit is called that because the parts come already painted and you don’t need to glue them togheter) of boba’s slave I. i think i got it as a Namesday present several years ago. was suprised i got something like that for such a minor celebration as namesday – it’s usually typical to just get breakfast served in bed!
But by the laws of Sci Fi, the Main Protagonists always show up just in time, or just seconds late, so that the maximum possible action can be shown on screen.
This is why bombc can only be defused in the last possible second.
they could have stopped for a cup of tea, and a foot massage and still just missed Slave 1’s departure. 🙂
Hey I just noticed the window. It looks just like a small version of the Emperor’s window from Jedi.
Was it from Cloud City, or added in?
Yep. It’s all from Cloud City. The window behind Darth in the dining room is similar too.
Good point – great strip.
I bet by the time Lobot gets to use that toilet it’ll be out of order.
George went on about the spider-web motif in his DVD commentaries, but I wouldn’t read too much into it.
I don’t remember exactly how the scene(s) at Slave I went along, but 30-60 seconds earlier sounds more like an opportunity to get shot at by any ship guns that Boba Fett could’ve brought to bear while he’s sitting safely in his ship, preparing for take-off.
You know, like the Millenium Falcon did to the snowtroopers setting up that laser cannon tripod? Not a good position to be in, but I guess those snow troopers did manage to damage the hyperdrive, didn’t they? (And that was without the laser cannon, wasn’t it?) So maybe it would’ve been worth it. I’m sure some Bespin Guards could’ve paid the price of assaulting a ship with hand-held weapons.